
to getting "Clean for Gene." Retro will always be cool,
and now political junkies can
some of the logos from Democratic
campaigns of the past, thanks to
McGovern, Stevenson, Carter,
Humphrey, and a couple
are all there ... Those logos
make me feel old.
And by old I mean, of course, hip,
cool and wise.

look cool and knowledgeable in
their shirts! ...
Our tee
is quite comfortable and soft.
It's made well, the graphics are
aligned correctly and silk
screened well.
The tee is American Apparel and
seems to be a medium heaviness,
good for all weather! It's also a
good length, coming to the
middle of our hips. It held up
great in the wash too! ...
We are quite pleased with our
tee and are sure we will get a
ton of use out of it.
We are big fans of this site,
and will be buying a lot from
them for presents for all our
political minded family and
friends in the future!
another mention here!

... a very cool idea for making your T-shirt line stick out from all the others out there ...
You just gotta love those retro-styled ringer T-shirts. All those extracted fibers and rubs in darker tone makes this tee look vintage ...
Like your shirts retro / vintage, but different? Then by all means try Retro Campaigns. You’ll have a unique design which will make people smile, no matter which political option they’ve belonged to. Not only that – you’ll have a highest-quality T-shirt which will last for years. |

Epic campaign tee (our Goldwater AuH20)

pretty cool designs, especially if you’re into history and politics.

Retrocampaigns vous propose de revivre l’histoire des Etats Unis au travers des campagnes et des hommes politiques les plus marquants de Roosevelt à Reagan sans oublier la famille Kennedy. ["Retrocampaigns invites you relive the history of the United States through the campaigns and the most prominent politicians from Roosevelt to Reagan as well the Kennedy family"]
Most of the tees especially the JFK, Reagan and Teddy R's tees are masterfully done in its respective era's design and fashion bringing with it an air of authenticity.

Not only does the shirt look vintage, but it also feels like a tee that has been broken in. ... Retro Campaigns has the vintage thing down pat!

Politics has become pretty divisive as of late, but I cannot help but think that wearing a Bull Moose Party shirt would drawn anything but a smile. Or how about Lincoln? Everyone loves Lincoln right? |

[about our new Lincoln
tee] It
may be a little late, but if you
want to show your support, you
can thanks to Retro

seen the old-school designs for
Obama and the Abercrombie and
Urban Outfitters vintage-inspired
tees, but did you know that now
you can show off your support for
the likes of Teddy Roosevelt or
William Henry Harrison?

I love about Retro Campaigns is
the way they give you the full
low-down on every t-shirt they
produce, and more.
an earlier review (click for
aren't your usual
anti-Bush, Stop The Streets, We
Can Change range of tees you'll
find at most stores these days
out this review of our Summer
2009 tees!
another mention here!

(November 2009)
have broken away from their
original style and brought some
nice vintage style designs to the
field and these designs
are complimented by their choice
of shirts. For the
latest shirts they are using
Alternative Apparels
destroyed tees. They
just ooze vintage chic.
an earlier review (click for
is like they found a secret stash
of 40 year old political t-shirts
in mint condition and are
now sharing them with the
The designs on the t-shirts makes
them look like they have already
been through the wash about 50
times or have
faded with age
which just adds
to the vintage vibe.

guys and girls over at Retro
Campaigns are creating and
producing politically
themed t-shirts that are ... well
... pretty cool!

always good when a niche teeco
gets some kids sizes. It
gives uncles something to get
them for Christmas. Uncles never
know which toy would be suitable
- but they should at least know
how old they are to within a year
or so.

shirts themselves have a great
weathered look to them ...
In addition to the shirt, my
shipment came with a Retro
Campaigns button, and a history
printout relating to the design
itself. Its little
touches like these that let me
know these guys are in it for,
not just the shirts, but the
entire package. 
from a December 2009 review of
our new line:
designs on these shirts have an
even more retro look to them, and
feature classic campaigns such as
Abraham Lincoln, Theodore
Roosevelt, and William Henry
Harrison ... They plan on adding
more to this line and to their
classic line as well. This should
result in a wide selection of
very quality shirts. I
am continually surprised by their
designs and Im ready to see

to the Old Skool: Retro
I know it seems like every
time I mention politics and
in the same sentence I’m
disparaging to both the
and the wearers, but I do think
that there is a place in this
for tees that let people know
what you think without the
need to tell them ...
Retro Campaigns allays
my uneasiness
with political clothing ...
another mention here!
Campaigns have released seven new
tees, based upon their
winning formula of popular
political designs from the past,
which I'm sure you guys might
find refreshing if you're feeling
a bit of political burnout from
the relentless coverage of Obama
vs McCain.
out a full shirt review
love the way that the vintage
look of the tee makes it somehow
more honest than political tees
that we see today ... Print
quality is great, very soft, and
the vintage look is so good
that you may even be forgiven for
thinking that the tee is
'vintage' rather than 'vintage
2009 Review here!

I immediately fell head over
heels when
first set eyes on it.
I got a George McGovern tee.
Obviously, the t-shirt is
supposed to look vintage and it
does but it also felt vintage,
especially with the printing
For Retro
Campaigns, the printing is
consummate ...
It's a printing miracle! ...
... And besides the swell
t-shirt, there was information
George McGovern attached to it.
It's a nice idea - to understand
what we are wearing.
I didn't know who McGovern was. I
just like the design, but after
reading about him, I have a
better appreciation of the guy
and his ideals.
I like,
nay, love Retro Campaigns ...

September 2009
Hunter recently spoke to
Christine over at Retro Campaigns
- a retro/political tshirt brand.
Christine is the founder and they
have an excellent range of
tshirts covering a lot of
different American presidential
and political

fashionable cure for your
Not that ED. Ew.
ED as in Electile Dysfunction:
Definition: The inability to
become aroused over any of the
choices for
President put forth by either
party during an election
"Is anyone appealing to you in
this years presidential
"Naa ... No one excites me. I
think I'm suffering from Electile
Vivian told me about this funny
term and a few days later I saw
hirts from
... If current presidential
candidates had fun slogans like
candidates had
'back in the day' (aka before I
was born), then I think we'd cure
a lot of the political ED some
people are suffering from

(about our photo shoot video)
video shows their personality and
it appears they have a good time with what they
do. Its simple,
refreshing, and shows the human
side of their line.

Campaigns makes some of the coolest
new-old shirts I've come
across ... Retro Campaigns is one
of the few places out there that
can pull off politically-themed
t-shirts without being ...
well, political about it
It's really
an impressive collection,
definitely check it out ...
The water-based inks and faded
design really contribute to
vintage look and feel ...
It's really neat to see some of
these shirts purely because it reminds
you of a time when the things
that were important to the
American public were much
different than they are now.

you undecided in this years
presidential election?
Can't decide on Barack or
Hillary? No worries.
Retro Campaigns puts a cool spin on the
political tee
- and you'll already know exactly
who won, or lost.
They've got a great collection of
'classic' political tees
inspired by campaigns and
candidates long gone by.
So if you're stuck in the 70's,
you can still
support Carter and
another mention here!
cool, retro political stuff 

I always vote for original
vintage but RC's
tees still give me an election.
I am most impressed by the entire
operation of this shirt company.
Impeccably timed given the
youthful climate of US politics, great
marketing and a slick website.
And once you fill out your order
ballot they actually deliver on
their promises - the
packaging is top notch and
includes a nifty button, a mock
ballot receipt and JFK fact
sheet. If you're considering
becoming an online proprietor of
t-shirts or running any
internet/mail based biz - a lot
can be learned here.

... the shirts are very
well printed ...
another mention here!
in July 2009!

term of T-shirt and print
quality, and closeness between
what I perceive from on the
website and what actually get; I
give this tee 4 out of 5.

(based in Croatia)
better idea for a tee company,
than to build up their designs
around past USA presidential
election campaigns ...
Nice thing is they now have kids'
styles, you can check
it out at their cool looking
If you dig retro shirts ...
could become one of your favorite
destinations for online shopping.

Check out
this interview
with Christine
from Retro Campaigns!

France's Fubiz.Net featured us in their
recent "20 T-shirts Roundup"

we found a way cooler political
option to rock in history class:
these tees at Retro Campaigns.
You can wear this one (Students
for Kennedy) when learning about
the first televised presidential
debates (Kennedy vs. Nixon,
1960), or this one (Democrats for
Reagan) when your teach is going
on about trickle down economics
(that's Reagan for ya). No
prof will be able to resist
giving you an 'A' in these looks.

shirts are printed on American
Apparel, with nice soft prints -
just the way I like them. I'd
definitely recommend picking
these up if you want to show off
your political know-how.

very interesting and fun
concept... A lot of cool t-shirts
there ...

****Christine Lusey of Retro Campaigns
will be a
Special Guest on my RADIO
the the Public Radio" on
Friday, Jan. 25th, 7:30pm
(Eastern) / 4:30 (Pacific). TUNE

love niche sites, businesses,
approaches. It
takes a lot of confidence, belief
and ability to be successful with
niches - most people play
it safe and go for the mass
But then they get lost in the
masses and struggle to stand out.
So when someone goes
'super-niche' I have even more
admiration, and that's what
Christine has done with her
t-shirt site Retro Campaigns.
She's not only gone for a
politics niche, not just an
American politics niche, she's
gone for old school, retro, US
political campaigns niche. And
what an amazing
job she has done with the
site - it looks beautiful,
it's informational and most of
all, it's easy to buy shirts.

recently was introduced to a
quirky new t-shirt collection.
With all of the 2008 campaign
happenings happening, it is fun
to go retro with retro campaign

nostalgic for the older, more
innocent days of politicking?
If so, the folks at Retro
Campaigns have you covered.
Each of the designs offered on
this site is brilliantly
imagined and perfectly on-point.
Heather/black ringer tees from
American Apparel and water-based
printed make the retro-feel of
these designs even more
We love em!

... You are going to have a lot of fun as well
land some really great shirts ...
Retro Campaigns takes you back in time
and has searched
high and low to bring you hard to
remembrances of the past and has
incorporated them into
T-shirts for today's fashion

since when has an interest in
politics been cool?
Umm since the moment the
Retro Campaigns label hit the
Campaigns have managed to
tastefully adorn a range of
vintage-style tees with
political ink that will make even
the most uneducated appreciate
the US political leaders of eras
goneby ...

ordered one and the second I
opened it I felt how soft it was
and how I could not feel the
print at all. I give it a solid
9. Everyone
check it out.

t-shirt site that seems to share
my affinity for the past is Retro
Campaigns. You won't find any
Obama or Palin there just yet,
but can you
really go wrong with someone like

of the politicos yet? Burnt out
by rhetoric?
Feel the need for real
Maybe you need a look back instead of forward?
Kennedy '68, McGovern '72,
Jimmy Carter,
Willie, Stevenson, Humphrey,
they are all back and in the race
at Retro Campaigns
where "politics ain't what it
used to be" ... 

Retro Campaigns --
This WeHo t-shirter reprints
iconic campaign images/slogans,
mostly from progressive
unelectables like McGovern
and McCarthy, whose "Get Clean
for Gene" volunteers sheared
their hippie hair so's to not
freak out New Hampshire.
you're a history buff, or maybe
old enough to have some fond
memories from the elections 40
years ago, then
I'm sure that you'll like these tees
The site design is pretty sweet
looking, too,
so you
should check it out.>

Campaigns gives
those of us who are sick of all
this vitriolic debate a chance to
escape into our glorious past
Go to Retro Campaigns and buy a shirt or two

cool are these t-shirts from
Retro Campaigns?...
I'm gonna take it back old
school and say
"I'm Ready for Teddy," too.
Campaigns is a T-Shirt site with
a very
interesting premise ...
Any sharp eyed chemists in the
crowd have already worked out the
cleverness behind this
["Goldwater AuH20"]

got a lot of good stuff ... It's
a great sentiment embodied in
great design. [United
We Shall
and creative designs
from a great little company
out west called Retro Campaigns
We think that they have
worth looking at.


I like especially the retro
minimalistic design ...
go check it out!


... the great retro look
of this t-shirt makes it worth
wearing all on its own - no
matter what your political views

Hillary and Obama - ‘Kennedy

Campaigns is a cool
new t shirt company with an old
school twist.


Read a
new interview with
Christine from
Retro Campaigns!
McGovern tee is way cool
another mention

quality tee and print 

unique twist ...

Check us
out at Teenormous!
classics ...




A Retro Campaigns
Special Friend!

A Retro Campaigns
Special Friend!

A Retro Campaigns
Special Friend!
On the July 25th episode CBS's
summer hit Swingtown,
our baby blue Jimmy
76 tee was featured in a
scene where two characters are
promoting the Carter/Mondale

Our green on green Gimme
Jimmy 76 ringer was featured
on the July 17th episode of Swingtown:
Comedian Greg
Fitzsimmons, regular
on VH1's
Best Week Ever,
sports our new LBJ tee on the May
9th 2008 episode:
